Explore Your Inner World: An Introduction to Internal Family Systems (IFS)

At Highland Park Holistic Psychotherapy our clinicians are trained in a variety of integrative modalities that are used to support the client’s goals for therapy.

Internal Family Systems Therapy (IFS) is one such integrative and trauma-informed therapy approach that several of our team members integrate into their work.

What Is Internal Family Systems (IFS)?

Internal Family Systems, or IFS, is a therapeutic approach developed by Richard Schwartz. One helpful way of explaining Internal Family Systems is by imagining that your mind is made up of a cast of characters, or "parts" of you. Each of these cast members or parts serves a unique role—and all parts create your emotional and psychological world.

A woman sits while writing in a journal. Learn how internal family system therapy in Los Angeles, CA can help you cope with past trauma. Search for online therapy in California for support with IFS therapy in Los Angeles, CA, and more.

IFS: Looking at Parts and The Self

Picture this: you're not just one single identity, but a complex collection of different "parts." These parts aren't just random; they're organized and serve specific purposes. From protective "managers" to wounded "exiles" and impulsive "firefighters," each part contributes to your emotions, behaviors, and thoughts. And in the director's chair sits the "Self" – your true essence, the calm observer amidst the chaos. Sometimes though, the parts are so loud, it can feel hard to access this true and authentic “Self” and that’s where IFS therapy can really help.

Understanding the IFS Approach

At its core, Internal Family Systems Therapy helps you create a mental map of your inner world. This map guides your therapist and you on a journey to discover your parts, learn their stories, and understand why they act the way they do. It's like becoming your own detective, uncovering the hidden motivations and dynamics that shape your feelings and actions.

With Internal Family Systems and parts work, the focus is on fostering a deep connection with your Self and establishing a harmonious relationship with all your parts—instead of dismissing them. The process involves self-discovery, where you gradually engage with your managers, exiles, and firefighters. By showing them compassion, you help them heal and transform.

“I appreciate the Internal Family Systems (IFS) model as a therapist for several key reasons. IFS offers a non-judgmental approach to healing, allowing individuals to explore their internal systems with curiosity. IFS emphasizes the uniqueness of each person's internal experiences and functioning, honoring the individuality of one’s healing journey.” - Imuri Pacheco LMFT, Level 1 Trained IFS Therapist

The Benefits of Internal Family System and Parts Work

A close up of a person writing in a journal. This could represent a coping mechanism IFS therapy in Los Angeles, CA can teach. Learn more about the help an IFS therapist in Los Angeles, CA can offer by searching for trauma therapy in Los Angeles, CA.

There are many approaches out there, so below we’ll outline the particular benefits associated with using an Internal Family Systems approach in therapy:

  1. Empowerment: Through IFS, you become the captain of your mental ship. You learn to lead with your Self, making conscious choices that align with your true desires and values.

  2. Increased self-compassion: IFS recognizes that no part is "bad" or "broken." It's all about understanding the intentions behind each part's actions and nurturing them toward balance. No matter their behaviors, all parts have positive intentions at their core. Realizing this frees you from being at odds with different parts.

  3. Improved Relationships: Understanding your own parts helps you comprehend others better. You'll find yourself becoming more patient and empathetic, leading to healthier connections.

  4. Reduced Anxiety: As you cultivate a harmonious inner world, the turmoil of conflicting emotions subsides, leading to reduced anxiety and stress.

  5. Self-Care and Mindfulness: With IFS, you develop a profound self-awareness that extends beyond therapy sessions. It becomes a way of life, enriching your daily experiences.

A woman touches a pencil to her temple while thinking of what to write. Learn how an IFS therapist in Los Angeles, CA can teach new coping techniques for trauma. Search for trauma therapy in Los Angeles, CA, and other services.

Final Thoughts on Internal Family Systems Therapy

Internal Family Systems Therapy isn't about suppressing parts of yourself or finding quick fixes. It's a journey of self-discovery, healing, and growth. So, whether you're seeking to heal past wounds, enhance relationships, or simply embark on a quest of self-improvement, consider IFS as your guide. Remember, your inner ensemble is waiting to be understood, and IFS is here to help you navigate the complex yet beautiful landscape of your mind.

Begin IFS Therapy in Los Angeles, CA

At Highland Park Holistic Therapy, we have several therapists who integrate an IFS approach into their work with clients. We also have one team member, Imuri Pacheco, who has completed IFS Level 1 training and can provide IFS therapy with that additional training in her toolkit. To learn more, please follow these simple steps:

  1. Send us a message or schedule a free consultation with our Care Coordinator here.

  2. Meet with a caring therapist

  3. Start better understand the many different aspects of yourself

Other Services Offered with Highland Park

IFS therapy isn’t the only service our team of therapists offers. At Highland Park Therapy, we provide a wide range of mental health services through online therapy statewide in California as well as in-person at our Los Angeles, CA office. Other services we offer include trauma therapy, depression treatment, teen therapy, grief counseling, eating disorders, stress management therapy, and LGBTQ+ therapy. We also offer EMDR, HSP counseling, and couples therapy. You can also read more by visiting our blog, FAQ, about us, or groups page.

Jenny Walters