As a Parent, How Do You Know When It’s Time to Seek Teen Therapy?

As a parent or caregiver, you want the best for your teen. You want to see them reach their potential and be happy. Sometimes their struggles are beyond what you can help with. It can be difficult to know when to reach out for help. Therapy can seem like a daunting step and often nobody wants to be the one to suggest it.

However, it's a great way for your teen to be heard and to gain coping skills that can help them control their emotions and manage stress. Especially before the situation reaches crisis level. You want them to have the best chance possible of success, and teen therapy can be an important part of that.

Photo of a group of teens all putting their hands in the middle of a circle. Is your teen dealing with stress? Learn how teen counseling in Los Angeles, CA can help your teen manage their symptoms.

You May Notice Some Changes in Your Teen

You know your teen better than anyone else. So, when you start to notice some changes in their behavior, it’s time to pay close attention. These changes could be signs that your child is struggling and may need some help from a professional.

These changes can include:

  • Withdrawing from family and friends and spending more time alone or with devices.

  • A noticeable change in behavior, such as skipping activities they once enjoyed, or becoming more isolated.

  • Expressing fear and anxiety over small things, or looping thoughts/obsessive thinking.

  • Self-harming behaviors or being overly self-critical.

  • Experiencing bullying or dealing with physical issues or chronic pain.

  • Asking for help, such as a teen expressing the need to talk to someone.

  • Dealing with chronic pain, illness, or physical issues.

  • Experiencing bullying.

  • Dealing with identity issues, such as LGBTQ teens not being accepted in their communities. 

If your teen's changing behavior persists take note and consider talking to them about it. These changes may be signs that your teen is struggling with anxiety, depression, or something else. Remember, the duration of the behavior is key. Regular conversations and paying attention to changes can help you determine if it’s time to seek professional help.

Your Teen May Be Showing Symptoms of Anxiety or Depression

Along with changes your teen could display symptoms of anxiety, depression, or other mental health issues which can be a sign that it’s time for them to seek therapy.

Your teen may also display symptoms of Anxiety and Depression, such as:

  • Low Self-Esteem, such as feeling worthless or inadequate.

  • Changes in appetite or weight loss/gain.

  • Sleep disturbances, such as difficulty sleeping at night or excessive sleeping during the day.

  • Irritability, agitation, or constant fidgeting.

  • Lack of motivation or energy to do things they used to enjoy.

  • Trouble concentrating or making decisions.

  • Risky behavior, such as abusing alcohol.

  • A decline in grooming habits and self-care.

  • Fixation on past failures

  • Hypercritical of themselves or overreacting to criticism.

Duration of any of these signs and symptoms is key - if it's lasting for a few weeks and happening across all situations, it’s likely time to get some help and address what’s going on. Seeking out teen therapy can help your teen to better understand and manage their emotions, thoughts, and behaviors. Plus, as a parent or caregiver, you will have the support and guidance of a professional to help you navigate this difficult period and find a successful solution for your teen.

Teens walking down a sidewalk on a sunny day. Is your teen struggling with anxiety and depression? Learn how online teen therapy in Los Angeles, CA can help your teen manage their symtpoms.

What Can You Do to Support Your Teen?

As a teen parent or caregiver, you may be feeling overwhelmed and helpless. You want to be there for your teen, but you may not know how. The good news is there are many ways to support your teen during this time.

Lead with Validation and Compassion

Now, in this case, validation doesn’t mean you agree with what they are saying. It just means that you can understand why they are feeling the way they are. However, don’t try to fix it, just listen and validate. Talk to them about their feelings and normalize having hard feelings and working through them with your teen.

For example, providing a calming statement like “It sounds like you’re really struggling with this right now. It must be hard for you to manage your emotions.” This will show your teen that you are there to listen and that it is normal and okay to be feeling overwhelmed. But also that besides their therapist, you are someone they can rely on and talk to about their feelings.

Ask Them What They Think is Going On

Teens are at the age where they are starting to become more independent and think for themselves. It can be hard for them to admit that they need help, which is why inviting them to share their thoughts is important. Sitting down with them to ask what they think is going on and what they need from you can help them feel more comfortable with finding a solution.

They may have more insight and can even help come up with solutions or resources they need to address their issues. Ask them what they think is going on with how they are feeling. If they tell you to leave them alone let them know you will respect their wish for space and that you are there if they ever want to talk. This can also help introduce them to the idea of what therapy can do for them.

Photo of a girl sitting on her bed writing in her notebook. Interested in getting your teen support to help with their mental health? Learn how teen therapy in Los Angeles, CA can help your teen learn coping skills for their anxiety and more.

Get Your Own Support

As a parent and caregiver, it is important to also get your own support. This can look like starting therapy, talking to a friend or family member, or joining support groups. Taking care of yourself is essential during this process as it can help you manage your emotions while also being there for your teen. This can be a difficult and stressful process, so it is important that you don’t forget to take care of yourself.

Sometimes it can feel like an instinct to push your problems away and focus on your teen. Instead, try to recognize that it’s important to take time for yourself too. Taking care of yourself will also model for your teen the importance of self-care and help you build a better relationship.

Interested in Beginning Teen Therapy in Los Angeles, CA?

At Highland Park Therapy, we know you want to help your teen find a successful solution for their current struggles. Even though it can be a stressful and difficult process, knowing that you are taking the necessary steps to help your teen is worth it. Starting therapy for teens at Highland Park Holistic Psychotherapy in Los Angeles, CA can help your teen to better understand and manage their emotions, thoughts, and behaviors. Follow these simple steps to begin teen therapy today:

  1. Contact Us For a Free Consultation

  2. Meet with One of Our Caring Teen Therapists

  3. Gain Support, Insight, and Guidance For You and Your Teen! 

Other Mental Health Services Offered at Highland Park Holistic Psychotherapy

At Highland Park Holistic Psychotherapy, our team of holistic LA therapists is certified and experienced to help you and your loved ones with any struggles they are facing. We provide a wide range of mental health services to support you on your unique healing journey. We do this both through online therapy statewide in California as well as in-person at our Los Angeles, CA-based practice. Other services we offer include depression treatment, teen therapy, grief counseling, eating disorders, stress management therapy, group therapy, and LGBTQ+ therapy. We would be honored to support you in learning new coping methods to help you cope with future anxiety symptoms. You can also read more by visiting our blog, FAQ, about us, or groups page.

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